West Chester, Pa (Agosto 23, 2023) – With the back-to-school season upon us, state Senator Carolyn Comitta is reminding residents and drivers to be alert in school zones, pay extra attention to pedestrians, and follow Pennsylvania’s School Bus Stopping Law.
“With students returning to the class, there will be more school buses back on our roadways, more children crossing streets and walking to school, and a lot of excitement and distractions that tend to come with this time of year,” Comitta said. “Please remember to allow extra time for travel, pay attention to your surroundings, and be extra careful when approaching a school bus or crosswalk on our roadways.”
Under Pennsylvania’s School Bus Stopping Law:
- Motorists must stop at least 10 feet away from school buses that have their red lights flashing and stop arm extended.
- Motorists must stop when they are behind a bus, overtaking a bus, meeting the bus or approaching an intersection where a bus is stopped.
- Los automovilistas que sigan o circulen junto a un autobús escolar también deben detenerse hasta que las luces rojas hayan dejado de parpadear, el brazo de parada se haya retirado y todos los niños se hayan puesto a salvo.
- If physical barriers such as grassy medians, guide rails or concrete median barriers separate oncoming traffic from the bus, motorists in the opposing lanes may proceed without stopping.
- No continúe hasta que todos los niños hayan llegado a un lugar seguro.
Las sanciones por violar la Ley de Parada de Autobuses Escolares pueden ser significativas, incluyendo una suspensión de 60 días de la licencia de conducir, cinco puntos en su registro de conducir y una multa de $250.
According to PennDOT, each year more than 700 drivers are convicted for passing a stopped school bus with its red lights flashing.
También se recuerda a los automovilistas que reduzcan la velocidad hasta el límite de 15 mph en las zonas escolares, que son especialmente concurridas por la mañana y por la tarde durante la llegada y salida de los alumnos.
In addition, students can do their part to stay safe while walking or crossing roadways by unplugging from phones and electronic devices, using crosswalks and intersections with crossing guards, making eye contact with drivers, wearing visible clothing, especially in the early morning and evening hours, watching for turning vehicles, and traveling in groups.
Más de 30.000 autobuses transportaron a casi 1,5 millones de niños cerca de 400.000 millas por las carreteras de Pensilvania el año pasado, según PennDOT.
For more safety tips, visit penndot.pa.gov