Comitta Supports Gov. Shapiro’s Lawsuit to Unfreeze $1.2 Billion in Federal Funding for PA Families

West Chester (February 13, 2025) -- State Senator Carolyn Comitta today issued the following statement in support of Governor Shapiro's announcement that he's filing a lawsuit challenging the Trump Administration’s unconstitutional freeze of federal funding: "Many of...

Comitta Secures Funding for Upgrades at Safe Harbor of Chester County

West Chester, PA (February 11, 2025) – Safe Harbor of Chester County will soon renovate its bathroom and shower facilities, thanks to state funding secured by state Senator Carolyn Comitta. The $50,000 grant, which comes through the Pennsylvania Department of...

Comitta, Kane Secure Funding for Family Promise of Southern Chester County

West Chester, Pa (February 10, 2025) – A nonprofit organization working to alleviate homelessness was awarded state funding to help families achieve sustainable housing and stability thanks to the work of state Senators Carolyn Comitta and John Kane. Family Promise of...

Comitta to Hold Free Symposium for Arts, Culture, and History-Oriented Nonprofits

West Chester, Pa (February 7, 2025) – To help navigate the ever-changing landscape for arts, culture, and historical organizations in Chester County, State Senator Carolyn Comitta is hosting a Nonprofit Symposium on Wednesday, March 12 at the Chester County History...

Comitta: Gov’s Budget Plan Offers Stability & Opportunity for Pa

Harrisburg, Pa (February 4, 2025) – State Senator Carolyn Comitta released the following statement in support of Governor Josh Shapiro's 2025-26 budget proposal: "The Governor’s plan is a strong start to the 2025-26 budget process with important investments to improve...

Comitta Secures Funding to Protect Firefighters at Roadside Emergencies

West Chester, Pa (February 4, 2025) – Firefighters and emergency first responders in the West Chester area will soon have access to additional equipment to keep them safe when responding to roadside emergencies. State Senator Carolyn Comitta secured $100,000 in state...

Comitta: Property Tax/Rent Rebate Application Now Open to Eligible Seniors and People with Disabilities

West Chester, Pa (January 31, 2025) – State Senator Carolyn Comitta reminds eligible seniors and adults with disabilities that they can receive up to $1000 back on property taxes or rent paid last year by applying for the Pennsylvania Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program....

Comitta Announces Funding for Oxford Stormwater Management Upgrades

Harrisburg, Pa (January 28, 2025) – The Borough of Oxford was awarded state funding to develop rain garden bump-outs to better manage stormwater runoff, calm traffic, and beautify a roadway that is due for repaving, state Senator Carolyn Comitta said. The funding,...

Comitta, Pielli Announce Funding for Stormwater Infrastructure Improvements in West Chester

Harrisburg, Pa (January 28, 2025) – West Chester Borough was awarded state funding to upgrade its aging stormwater infrastructure, state Senator Carolyn Comitta and state Representative Chris Pielli announced. The funding, approved today by the Commonwealth Financing...

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